Monday, September 8, 2008

The Dichotomy of Michael Scott: Annoying vs. Entertaining

For the final Dichotomy of Micheal Scott, we will look at something that has divided households and college roommates - Micheal Scott being annoying vs. entertaining.

Many people think that Micheal Scott is the funniest guy in the world, but many people would say that he is kind of annoying, too. No matter what you think, everyone has to admit one thing: Micheal Scott is entertaining. Even if he is annoying, people like to be around him because something is always bound to happen. He is extremely entertaining even if he has to go through the land of annoying to get there.

And leaders can learn from this.

Leaders need to be less afraid of being annoying. They need to more focused on entertaining their employees and having fun with their employees. Every single employees - even if they find their boss annoying sometimes - would rather be around a boss that is entertaining. People like to be around people who are fun, exciting, and entertaining. Again, even if you have to suffer through annoying some of your employees - your employees will appreciate you so much if you seek to try to make the office fun and entertaining.

Relevant leadership seeks to connect with people on a realistic and personal level. People like to be entertained. Michael Scott realized this. Many of today's top leaders do not. Even if there is a level of annoyance that you might have to break through - leadership in progress demands that you focus on connecting with employees at a tangible level.

Even if you have to annoy - entertain.

That's relevant leadership.

That's leadership in progress.