Sunday, May 11, 2008

Leadership in Progress

Leadership that is stale will fail. Leadership that does not expand and grow will shrivel and deteriorate. Leadership has to evolve with the times. Leadership has to stay relevant with the generations. Simply put, leadership needs to progress.

And it needs to be happening all of the time. Essentially there should be a sign outside the door of every leader’s office that says, “Leadership in Progress”. Leaders cannot rest on their laurels. Leaders cannot take a few years off. They will be left behind. They will be outdated. They will be passed by people who are working hard to keep their leadership relevant and progressive. Leadership must be constantly in progress. It must constantly in progress.

And that is where this web site comes into play. We want to offer up unique perspectives, relevant examples, and strong encouragements for future and current leaders. In this journey of leadership, it is always good to have a helpful hand from another leader who is plodding along right beside you.

Here’s to progress.

Here’s to progressing.

Here’s to the leadership journey.

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