Sunday, June 29, 2008

Revelant Leadership Begins and Ends with Relevant Communication

Relevant leadership begins and ends with relevant communication.

But relevant communication is much more than just the emotional, function, interpersonal, written, and verbal communication of the past. Today relevant communication comes in the form of text messages, iChats, and inside jokes.

Leaders cannot ignore the ways that normal people communicate with each other. Text messages are one of the primary ways that people communicate, and it needs to be a tool that leaders use to communicate, as well. Text messages are easy, inexpensive, and very quick. When leaders use text messages, they are proving that they are relevant to their followers. What is more relevant than the big boss guy or lady spending a few minutes typing away on a cell phone to text a follower with some information or a quick message? Leaders should shun the protocol of professional business communication in order to connect with their followers on their own level.

Also, webcams, video conferencing, and iChat are getting more effective and easier to use. For people who do not live near each other, it is a common occurrence to utilize the ability of a computer and a camera to communicate. This practice has gone from a rarity for the uber-rich to a daily form of communication for any person with a computer or a laptop. Leaders can easily join in with this communication movement. By using iChats and webcams a leader shows that he or she is committed to relationships through communication. It is not just a long-distance telephone call with an associate or instructions through an email for a follower who is working on the road. Yet using this form of relevant communication enables leaders to not only communicate messages but to also develop relationships and be a part of this technology

Finally, inside jokes should get more respect as a communication form than they currently do. Inside jokes are one of the ways that normal people communicate. They are a form of communication that shows you have a great relationship with someone. They are a form of communication that is fun and easygoing. Leaders should try to communicate through inside jokes to build friendships and show their employees that they are regular people, too.

Relevant leadership really does begin and end with relevant communication – even if that is a different style of communication than most leaders are used to.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Relevant Leadership is Setting a Personal Example

Have you ever been in a situation where you have witnessed a leader say one thing and do something completely different? It's the classic (and over-used) phrase of someone who cannot "talk the talk and walk the walk". It is hypocritical. It is presumptuous and arrogant. It is poor leadership. But most of all - it is a type of leadership that will not be tolerated by this younger generation.

In order to exhibit relevant leadership, leaders must be able to set an example that matches their actions with their words.

People today are not stupid. From some of the news headlines, you would think that leaders really believed this. Pastors trying to preach one way but then live a life of adultery and greed. CEOs cutting costs and jobs while accepting millions of dollars in unearned bonuses. Politicians expousing honesty in their speeches while being exposed on lies in the papers. You would think that leaders believe they are trying to lead wayward sheep with short attention spans who have to cling to their glorious leader or forever be lost.

But that is not this generation. That is not people today. Followers today are looking for someone to have integrity and character. They are looking for a leader who believes so much in what she says that she is willing to back it up with associated action. They want a leader who is dedicated enough to a cause and a mission that they will lead the effort both commanding and working, in word and in deed.

Relevant leaders need to set an example personally. They need to back up their words with actions. It is a simple concept, but it is vital. Someone is always watching. People need to see their leader set the example of how things are done - not just tell them how to do things. Without setting the example personally, leaders will not gain the full measure of respect that they need to be suuccessful.

Relevant leadership sets an example by backing up words with actions.

So if you say you are a relevant leader... then let's see it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Relevant With Needs

Every organization has needs. Every person has needs. It takes a great leader to understand which needs are most important and when these needs are most important. Leaders need to recognize needs and develop solutions to meet them. The third thing that leaders need to be relevant with is the needs going on in their organization.

It is one thing for leaders to be able to know their followers on a personal, friendship level. But leaders also need to be able to identify needs among their followers. In order to do this, they need to be relevant with the lives of their followers on a daily basis. They need to be “inside the circle” instead of outside of it. Leaders need to understand what is truly happening in the daily life of their followers and not just the things on the surface. Followers might be needing increased responsibility to further their career, or a break from the stress at work, or an opportunity to do something different. They might need some advice with a certain project. They might need feedback on a new idea. They might need someone to manage a conflict in the office. Leaders need to be relevant enough with their followers to recognize their needs.

Leaders also need to be relevant with the life of their organization. They should not just leave everything to their followers, but they themselves should be an active part of the daily doings of the organization. Leaders should be able to recognize the biggest needs of the organization. They need to know what is working and what is not working. They need to hear the heartbeat of the organization and be able to identify needs. Leaders must be close enough to the organization to be relevant with its needs.

In all and with due respect, leaders need to not be deistic. They cannot just start something and then let it run on their own accord. They cannot call themselves a leader but stand so far away that they cannot do anything about stuff. No. They need to get right into the lives of their employees and the life of the organization. They need to involve themselves. They need to be so close that they can identify and recognize needs. Leaders must be relevant enough with their followers and organization that they can recognize the needs going on in order to solve them.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Relevant With Follower's Lives

In order to be effective, leaders need to be relevant. We already discussed how leaders need to be relevant with the times. The second thing that leaders need to be relevant with is this: their follower’s lives.

Every leader has followers. And every follower has a personal life. They have families, friends, hobbies, and interests. They have likes and dislikes. They have things going on in their life that can either be really good or really bad. And all of these things affect their workplace performance at some level. An employee is not simply an employee; he or she is a person with a life and a history and a personality who simply works somewhere with you.

So leaders need to practice holistic leadership and get to know the whole of their follower’s lives. They need to be relevant with their follower’s lives. Followers need to know that their leader cares about them – not just about their performance at work, but about their lives. If leaders do this, they will gain commitment, loyalty, and dedication from their followers. Their followers will be more motivated to work for someone who actually cares about them, rather than working for a boss who barely knows their name.

Leaders need to be relevant with their follower’s lives – who they are, what their situation is, and everything about them outside of work. It is an easy step, and it will mean the world to the followers.