The Office has become a television sensation both in Britain and in the United States. Its subtle comedy and personable characters have made it both a general favorite and garnered a cult following. I know that I have snorted and laughed countless times watching the exploits of Regional Manager Michael Scott and his band of interesting employees. But the show is actually more than just a comedy. It actually reveals how to be an extremely relevant leader. How? Through the dichotomy of Michael Scott.
The dichotomy of Michael Scott? What in the world is that? Well, everyone knows that Michael Scott has certain personality and leadership traits that are not very good. He is clingy, annoying, dumb, and much more. He does so many things that would be considered mistakes in the real world. And yet these same traits and mistakes have advantages as well as disadvantages. There are two sides to everything that Michael Scott does - a good side and a bad side. This is the dichotomy of Michael Scott.
The next few blog posts will go into more detail about the Dichotomy of Michael Scott. They will explore certain aspects of his personality and actions that are two-sided - a good side and a bad side. The bad side is very funny and makes for a great show, but the good side is actually a great representation of relevant leadership.
Indeed, Michael Scott can show us more about relevant leadership than most professional business books out there.
Get ready to explore the Dichotomy of Michael Scott.
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